Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Dead Cat Reflection #22

I don't normally tell someone else's story, but this one is too good not to share. We were told this in person by my Aunt Shirley and ideally, I wish I had video-taped her because we haven't laughed that hard at something in a long time. She's a great storyteller. I will try to do it justice and accurately in written word.

My aunt's sister and her friend were on a shopping trip one day when they witnessed the car in front of them hit a cat. They were appalled that the driver didn't even stop. They stopped and the cat was indeed dead. They felt they couldn't just leave it there. They thought about taking it to the ASPCA (why, I don't know) but it was in the opposite direction of the mall. It was decided to put the cat in a bag from their purchase at a previous store and put the bag in the trunk, go to the mall and on the way home, stop at the ASPCA. 

When they got to the mall, they were concerned that the dead cat may stink up the car while they were shopping, so they decided to put the bag on the hood of the car until they came back.

A while later, as they were returning from shopping, they could see a woman grab the bag from the hood of their car and quickly walk away. They watched her go to her car. She obviously thought she was stealing something good. When she got to her car, she opened the bag and looked inside. She passed out!

A man passing by saw her faint and helped revive her and help her sit in her car. Then he placed the bag on her lap. She passed out again! A parking lot patrolman came along, and they called an ambulance. The girls watched as they put her in the ambulance, and they sent the bag along with her! 

The story doesn't end there. A while later, my aunt was taking a speech class and had to tell a true story. She decided to tell this one. Imagine her surprise when one of other students said, "I was a nurse working at the hospital when she came in!" 

I wonder if the woman had to admit to her crime, but I bet this cured her permanently of shop lifting. What a great example of "crime doesn't pay". I leave you with God's word from Exodus 20:15, "Thou shalt not steal."

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