Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Crossing t's Reflection #18

Crossing t's

Just for the fun of it, I recently joined a left-handers Facebook group. It's fun to be in a group of lefties and to share our experiences. I was reminded of one when I was growing up.

At the parent teacher conferences when I was in third grade, the teacher had a couple of concerns about me. One was the struggle to get me to eat my lunch. She threatened no recess until I ate it all. I was fine with that. I guess I just couldn't get down another bologna, bread and butter sandwich (I don't know why condiments weren't used. I think they had been invented. Mayonnaise would have been a game changer.) She spoke to my parents and all agreed, it wasn't so important for me to eat all my lunch. It wasn't worth the battle.

The other thing that concerned her was my writing. Wait for it...she said I was crossing my t's right to left instead of left to right. The horror! It was true. That's the way I am wired. She was hoping I would conform, but I was a rebel and still am to this day. Perhaps if she had whacked my hand as some left-handers had to endure to use the other hand, maybe I would have conformed. I am so glad she didn't do that. 

When I drew this to the attention of other left-handers, most hadn't even thought about it and the majority did it the way I do, and many didn't even know that right handers do it left to right. When I think of it logically, I feel our way is more efficient. We get to the end of the word and swing back to dot the i's and cross the t's. However, a teacher in the group, had a book on teaching penmanship and we are supposed to be taught to cross our t-s from left to right. She tried to teach me correctly. I'm sorry if she felt that she failed. 

I guess the moral to this, is to know what battles you should fight. I know rules are in place for reasons and most we should follow, but we also have to be self-discerning and be sure the guidelines we are presented with are in accordance with our beliefs. What difference does it make in the scheme of life? 

"Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on the earth."

Colossians 3:2

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