Friday, May 24, 2024

Oreos Reflection #19

Anyone remember the jingle for Oreos that goes: "A kid will eat the middle of the Oreo first and save the chocolate cookie outside for last."? It's funny that kids don't have to be taught this. Our granddaughter naturally does this. The problem with her, is she will hide the chocolate cookie somewhere. She just wants that creamy filling! She feels the same about frosted it from the top down and leave the bottom, "I'm full."  The same thing with the frosting on cupcakes. And then there are sprinkles. They are mandatory in her life on donuts, ice cream, cupcakes, yogurt. Heck the other day I gave her a small bowl of just sprinkles. She was in heaven.

Last time we had Oreos, I asked her, "Are you going to eat the cookie?" She honestly replied, "No." There has to be points for honesty. 

Then there's our life...adulting. Let's face it, most of us would rather eat just the top of the muffin. Who wouldn't like not working and staying home and collecting money? (retirement is great!) Who likes paying bills or doing the necessary chores around the house or yard? Now I know there are some who enjoy those things, but I am sure they have some things they wish they didn't have to do. We all do but we all have obligations and if only our life was so "bad" that eating the outside cookie or the muffin bottom would be the worst thing in life.

There are some "adults" who try to get by just eating the middle of the cookie. Life is a game of getting, not giving. Society's rules are just suggestions. To some, a right turn on red doesn't mean stopping first, speed limits are suggestions or if the store clerk gives you too much change, that is your gain. They bend the rules of life. They continue until they get caught and some never do in this lifetime.

God gives us rules too. They aren't always fun or easy but what a perfect world it would be if everyone lived by the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's from Luke 6:31. A lot of you may not have realized you have a Bible verse memorized. There's some really good stuff in that book not just the creamy center about love and forgiveness but the outside cookie about guidelines and laws and what Jesus did for us. We all need that part too. Eat the whole cookie, you may find it's delicious.  

I leave you with God's word: "My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments." Proverbs 3:1


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