Monday, May 6, 2024

Only child, but not alone Daily Reflection #10

I am an only child. For most of my life I had wished I had a sibling. Growing up, I had fantasized how nice it must be to have someone to play with at any time or how nice to have someone else to commiserate with me when I thought my parents were being unfair. I envied my friends, all but one had siblings. 

As an adult, I wished I had a sibling just to talk to about things and was jealous of adult siblings who could reminisce and share memories about their childhood together. I have also wished I had an adult sibling to help me, help my parents. 

As I got older, I realized just all the benefits of having my parents all to myself--all their attention and love, the closeness, just the three of us. And let's face it, one kid is a lot less expensive and so they could spend more money and time on me. Although I didn't have siblings, I don't think I was bored. I pursued many solo hobbies that maybe I would not have chosen if I had had a sibling. I have so much to be grateful for. I also learned that not all siblings are close, and the grass wasn't always as green in those other yards as I thought. 

I found that friendships could be as deep as sibling relationships. I have been so blessed to enjoy so many friendships over the years. I cherish all those who I can call "friend". I appreciate our church family too. I am not an only child by any means. I thank God for friendships and family.

"A sweet friendship refreshes the soul."

Proverbs 27:9

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