Saturday, May 4, 2024

"Deb, This is Dad" Daily Reflection #8

Whenever my Dad calls me, he always says, "Deb, this is Dad." I smile to myself because I have caller id and I know it's him before I answer. Next clue, there are only a few people who call me Deb. Third, after all these years, I surely recognize his voice.

When I call him, I just say, "Hi Dad". He doesn't have caller id but he doesn't have any other children, so I don't feel the need to tell him it's me. He knows. 

It's pretty much like our heavenly father, he doesn't need us to identify ourselves. Even though, I am not his only child, he recognizes my voice and he knows us all by our voices and each of our names or nicknames.

The trickier part is listening to God when he speaks, to learn to discern his voice or signs in our life. Thankfully, we have the Bible to guide us and teach us how to listen. Help me to recognize my heavenly father's voice, just as I know my earthly father's voice. "He that has ears to hear, let him hear." (Matthew 11:15). 

"Blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it."

Luke 11:28

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