Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Bubbles Pop Reflection #17

 Bubbles Pop

We have a lot of fun playing with bubbles with our kids. When we were recently having fun creating a big bubble mountain with three kids, it was necessary to calm them down when one just couldn't resist popping some bubbles. I kept reiterating, that we all know "Bubbles pop" and that it's going to happen anyway. I hope in some way this will sink in as a life lesson to not sweat the small stuff. 

The older I get, it is natural to think about our own bubble of life popping. One day we will no longer exist on earth. There are always things that we still want to do but the longer we are blessed to live, the harder it is to do some things. We have to adjust our bubble of life to enjoy the moments we have.

Sometimes I think about when I am no longer here. I don't want my loved ones to experience that hurt that we all know. I think the worst part about dying is for the living who loved us. I am blessed that I know there are some who do love me more than a little and my empathetic rabbit trail mind thinks about how it will be for them when I am gone. I have found myself in tears thinking about that. I shed the tears already, so you don't have to. If only that could be the case...perhaps that's a road I should not go down.

I can only tell anyone who loses a loved one, that you know your loved one would be honored that your love was so deep that you are hurting so now, but they don't want you to be hurting or to stay sad. This is life, we come and go, we hold on to and we let go. Letting go is hard but there are always memories to cling to and to lift us up. For Christians, we know that this is not the end and we will meet again. It really is a happy ending meeting God, having a new unimaginable home and then reuniting with loved ones. What a party! So, crying for loved ones who have moved on to heaven is almost silly, almost. Crying for ourselves left behind is natural. "Doing" helps with healing. When the pain is heavy, do something in memory of a loved one to help yourself heal and to honor them. I think I'll take my own advice today and do something in memory of someone I miss. Maybe it will be blowing bubbles toward heaven. Unlike bubbles that pop, love lives on forever. 

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."

Matthew 5:4

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