Thursday, January 18, 2024

"All My Love"


This treasure is the only card I have from my Mom's mother, the grandmother who I never knew. She passed away when I was 3. I have two pictures of her and me taken at Christmas and I don't know if those might even be the last ones taken of her--almost exactly a year before she died of tuberculosis. 

I have absolutely no recollection of her, I am sad to say. I am also sad that my mother did not share more about her, but I think it just hurt her too much for so long to lose her so young and now I can understand that a little better.

I say I never knew her, but she knew me. I am quite a sentimental person and I actually shed a few tears as I found this card that she had inscribed, "All my love and a great Big Kiss, Grandmother." "All my love" is a strong statement. I was her only grandchild and now I know what a blessing grandchildren can be. I am glad that God gave me to her for a brief time to brighten her life. I know the feelings my mother must have felt about all the things my grandmother was going to miss out on in my life, watching me grow and for me, to grow to love her, though, I am sure I did. I know those unspoken hurts lived with my mother for a long time. I, only now, can really understand that pain my mother must have felt missing her mom and thinking about all she missed out on. I think about my grandchildren and hope my love for them will be evident in my photos should memories fade. 

These cards remind me of God. He knows me, he loves me, but I don't know him as well as he knows me. Fortunately for me, God has left us books of the Bible to get to know him better and letters written by his followers. I don't have as many documents about my grandmother. I would love some letters written by her, but I only have this card, but really, what more do I need than a card that says, "all my love" with a big kiss added? Those few words say so much. I was loved and I hope my 2-year-old-self hugged her and kissed her back. 

God has proved his love through our wonderful blessings here on earth and sending Jesus so we can live eternally in heaven. I guess God's Bible is one big card with a lot more words but I'm sure it could be signed like this card, "All my love.".