Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Sowing without reaping

Still top in my thoughts these days are my daughter's two adorable foster girls. They will be turning 2 and 3 next month. They have brought us such joy. Both are very busy yet they will let you hold them for a moment and snuggle. They have smiles that melt hearts and when they look at you, you know their thoughts are deeper than they can verbalize.

We have now been warned that we may only have the gift of knowing and loving these girls for another month. It wasn't supposed to be this way. We were told that the odds of them going back to the mother were slim and that there were no other family members to take them in. My daughter and her spouse planned on adopting. Losing these little loves was not in the plans and barely considered, though we know that it is not over until it's over.

What my daughter's family has done is to love and nourish these girls when their mother could not. They have spent many a night up with them when they couldn't or wouldn't sleep. They have changed their diapers, fed them, played with them and read to them. They have tried to teach them the things all little ones must learn--sharing, saying please and thank you, be gentle with animals, helping with chores, picking up toys, potty training, etc. They even taught them some sign language. They took them to the weekly meetings with the mother and other appointments they needed to go to. They shopped for clothes and other things as needed. They took them to the beach and vacation and other fun activities.

The other children adapted as these two new girls moved into their home. They had to share the attention but they were great helpers and learned to be friends and protective older "siblings" to these two precious children.

They have all given of themselves. And now the bombshell. They have to know that the ripples of their lives have played an enormous part in the girls' well-being and development but they will never see them again or have any influence on their lives. They have to hope and pray that the foundations that they planted will be instilled in them, yet, at this young age, these girls will never remember any of us, All the love that came from the bottom of our hearts and the seeds that were planted, all smiles and giggles shared will never be remembered by them, but always remembered fondly by all of us.

Likewise, the mother of these children should be eternally grateful that there was a loving family that did more for her children than she will probably ever know and that those ripples were a catalyst in her life to get the help she needed to be an adequate mom. When she couldn't teach or take care of her children, someone did so and very well, as she picked up the pieces of her life. Now we pray that she can protect and provide for these little ones as much as they deserve. May they be safe, cared for and loved. 

The seeds have been sowed. Often we will not know the effects of our ripples and even those who we touched will not even know where this ripple has come from, but it is always there in the waters of life. 

"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."
Hebrews 13:16

"The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost." G.K. Chesterson

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