Saturday, October 24, 2015

Two sides to every story

This is the same tree trunk looked at from opposite ends. One is jagged and rough where the tree has rotted away. The scars and decay of life are exposed.
The other shows the cut side. Smoother, with less scars of its previous life. This reminds me of the biblical references to the refiners fire or shaping and molding like clay. Those are ways that God shapes us. Someone sawed this tree for whatever reason. This part of the tree could be made smooth and flat and used as a table or stool. We may have ragged edges but God can change us to be smooth and useful.
I have quite an imagination, but what do you see in the center of both of these pictures? I see a heart--a heart with the light of the world shining through. No matter whether we have rough edges and don't appear to be a child of God or whether we look smooth and shaped by God on the outside, if we look closely at each other, we can see and know each others' hearts and may people see God through our hearts and may God use our hearts for His good works.

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