Saturday, June 29, 2024

Winding Paths Reflection #29

One of our vacations was seeing waterfalls in NY. From Buttermilk Falls in Ithaca to the amazing Taughannock Falls (tallest single drop east of the Rocky Mountains--215 feet), to Watkins Glen. Water was the common factor, but each site was different.

There is a cave-like entrance to Watkins Glen State Park, and you have no clue of what is beyond the stairway. There was a dark, twisty path weaving in and out of various water formations and in and out of sunlit areas. I took a few pictures, but I remember gripping the railings too, my fear of heights at times being tested. At one point I could see what I remember as looking like a suspension bridge ahead. I was worried about how I could ever go over it. My knees were shaking before we even got near it. With George leading the way, I kept moving but slowly and in fear.

As we pushed along through some dimly lit parts and some with sunlight shining through, passing pools of water and waterfalls, I know I did not fully enjoy it all worrying about the bridge. However, our route did not take us on the suspension bridge. I was so relieved. 

Still each turn revealed a new part of our path, and the fear of the unknown around each corner, kept my heart beating a little faster, and my sweaty hands clinging to the railing. Would we keep climbing? How high would we go? Would we have to go on a different bridge?  Would I slip and fall? Would I drop my camera in the water (always a concern with me since I had seen it happen before). How much longer?

I was grateful when we made it through the two miles and there really wasn't anything too scary that I couldn't handle. None of my fears were realized. I could have enjoyed the journey so much more if I had known what the whole path looked like. 

Isn't life like that at times? We spend so much time worrying about the future, the unknown, and overlook the moment we are in--the blessings of the journey. Did my worrying change the outcome? No. Did my fears take away from the moment I was in? Yes. If I had dropped my camera, would I have survived? Yes, but of course, I would be upset. Did my concerns make me more cautious? Yes, that was the only legitimate response to my fears. 

We really wish life came with a map showing us how we will get through the rough spots and where the sun will shine again, but if that was the case, would we get careless? Would I loosen my grip on the railing or my camera? Would I overconfidently walk too fast on the slippery rocks? Would I lose the opportunity of learning lessons along life's way?

We need to trust step by step that as new obstacles or wonders appear before us, that there is a new view around the corner. Sometimes it's not what we want but we keep moving and although we don't see the end, we need to step forward in faith. I am grateful I had my husband with me leading the way and sometimes in life, just by my side. 

I leave you with God's word: "So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34.

Taughannock Falls

Pictures from Watkins Glen Falls State Park:

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