Sunday, June 23, 2024

Through the Storms Reflection #28

My thoughts on Mark 4:35-41

In the midst of the storms,

The wind blew

As the boat filled with water

The disciples feared for their lives.

Through it all, Jesus was in the boat, asleep.

Fear overtook them.

They were surely going to drown.

They woke Jesus, asking if he even cared about them.

Jesus stopped the winds and calmed the seas.

They were in awe of the power of Jesus.

But he asked where their faith was. 

My mind wanderings...was Jesus really asleep or was he waiting?

Was this a test of their faith in him?

How long before they remembered this man who was doing miracles was right there in their boat?

What if he they had never woken him?

Would some have lost their lives?

But Jesus was in the boat.

That was the key.

We will go through storms

He will not always stop the winds and waves

But he's still in the boat with us,

Through the storms 

Just waiting for us to turn to him.

He will be there with us.

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