Friday, May 3, 2024

Why is it? Daily Reflection #7

Why is it?

We like to go to local theater productions. What annoys me is nine times out of ten, they never publish up front what the admission price is. I have to go on their website and select the date and sometimes even which seats. I can understand if matinees are cheaper or there are different prices for different seats, but couldn't they still give me a ballpark? Tickets $10-$25 or $25-$50. Why do I have to jump through hoops to get to the top-secret charge? I pick a date and then select seats and then I see the price. Then I start over and pick a date and different seats to see if the charge is different. Some venues, the tickets are all the same price. I don't understand why they can't publish them up front on their webpage. There has got to be a reason. Just a silly little thing that bugs me.

Then there are those ads online that suck you in with a video that is going to change your life from some new miracle cure or a fantastic new invention. You start watching and are intrigued and have to keep watching to find out how much this cost. These are videos that usually don't give you the option of fast forwarding. You have to sit through the whole thirty-minute video (or let it play out while you do something else) to get to the price. And if you are lucky, there will be a "But wait!" and there will be added bonuses or a discount. I have two rules of thumb(s) regarding sales. 1) If it's a video that you can't fast forward through and requires sitting through an undisclosed length of time, I will not watch it. You can keep your miracle product. 2) If you are salesman in person and you tell me that this offer is only good right now and won't be good tomorrow. I say, "Goodbye". It's a turn off and how ridiculous that it's only ok for me today when tomorrow you will offer the same deal to someone else. 

Of course, there wasn't money in the garden of Eden, but boy, did eating of that fruit tree come with a big cost. If only there was a warning of just how much that fruit would cost them and their generations afterwards until Jesus paid the final installment. Adam and Eve were sold a bill of goods by Satan without questioning the price--just thinking about the miracle cure they were getting and for free. Talk about a bait and switch. 

I pray that I pay attention to the cost of things, so I can be wise with my money but also be aware of the cost others, especially Jesus, have paid for me and help me to show gratitude in my life. 

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law."

Romans 13:8

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