Friday, October 2, 2015


When I was young, we used to vacation at Cape Cod off season every year. The beach we stayed at was sandy but parts also contained many small rocks. I spent hours walking the beach, during day looking for the rare piece of sea glass and often settling for pretty pebbles. At night I looked up to the stars and moon and listened to the crashing waves.

My Dad taught me how to skim stones. He instructed me to find the flattest stone that I could find and he would demonstrate how to use the whole arm to fling the stone making it skip several times across the top of the ocean.

I was pleased when I could get it to skip at all. Three or four times was a miracle. I just couldn't master the art. I would often relinquish the treasured flat rocks to Dad to just see him skim the rock so that it bounced many more times than I ever dreamed that I could do.

We are each like those rocks, precious pebbles tossed out into the water of life. Whether we touch down and make ripples along the way, which most of us do, or we just land once, there are still ripples--ripples that extend out far beyond our inner circle of life and touch people. Everyone touches someone in some way, whether it be good or bad.

My hope here is to touch you, hopefully in a good way, to share thoughts on life and living. We are each a special gemstone, one of a kind. May you be prancing across life's waters and may your ripples touch many hearts. Until my next post, know you are unique and loved.

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